Georgetown Wet Weather Treatment Station

Georgetown Wet Weather Treatment Station

Jimale Technical Services (JTS) provided document control on the Georgetown Wet Weather Treatment Station project. Responsibilities were to maintain construction project filing systems, ensuring accountability and transparency enough to meet the requirements of a formal audit

Rainier Valley Wet Weather Storage/CSO Control

Rainier Valley Wet Weather Storage/CSO Control

This project involves the construction of wastewater facilities at two hydraulically-interdependent overflow sites to control combined sewer overflows to no more than one untreated event per year from the Hanford at Rainier overflow structure.

Sunset/Heathfield Pump Station

Sunset/Heathfield Pump Station

Sunset/Heathfield Pump Station Project Description The project design provides the ability and capacity to convey South Lake Sammamish Planning Basin flows currently handled by the Sunset and Heathfield Pump Stations to the South Treatment Plant. The South Lake...
West Point Treatment Plant

West Point Treatment Plant

Construction Management Services for West Point Treatment Plant Project Description During the early winter of 2017, a heavy rainfall in the Seattle area caused the West Point Treatment Plant (WPTP) to operate at peak hydraulic capacity, when a partial interruption of...
North Link Final Civil and Architectural Design

North Link Final Civil and Architectural Design

North Link Final Civil and Architectural Design Project Description The project final design consisted of 5.29 miles of double-track Light Rail Transit (LRT) line and stations between the University of Washington interim terminal station and the Northgate Station,...
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