Northgate Link Extension

Project Description

The Northgate Link Extension is a key part of the regional mass transit system. The project is a 4.3-mile extension of the light rail system. The objective of the project is to provide a fast, reliable option for getting through one of the region’s most congested traffic areas. It will extend from the University of Washington Station near Husky Stadium to just south of the Northgate Mall. It consists of a double track configuration with approximately 3.2 miles in twin-bored tunnels with two cut and cover stations serving the University District (Brooklyn Station) and the Roosevelt neighborhoods (Roosevelt Station).

Project Details

North Star Team

Sound Transit

JTS Role:
Document Control Services


The JTS document control specialists performed document control and document control system guidance concurrent with implementation and design.

JTS played a role in fine tuning the process of reviewing and responding to the submittals and RFIs.

Photography – Don Wilson – Sound Transit  – Copyright © 2015

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